Christianity, faith

Living Water

‘Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give hi will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.” John 4: 13-14

This scripture is a good reminder for me how completely dense I can be at times. God offering me one thing while I think He’s offering me another. It’s like a story I was telling a co-worker yesterday about why I think God has waited this long to allow me to change jobs…I needed to be humbled. Not a fun thing to admit, but it’s true. When I was preparing for an interview, I think about 6 years ago, I had prayed before heading to the interview asking God to bless me with it, to keep me humble…whether or not I got the position. Ha! I said it but boy did I not mean it.

I’m not going to get into the circumstances here on what ocurred to make me feel that way but it was bad. I honestly had no issue with the person that did get the position-she’s outrightly awesome and still is. Regardless of what ocurred my behavior should have been very different than it was. What I didn’t see at the time was that personal circumstances were going to come up within the next few years that would have made it difficult for me to do the job well. It was a very good thing-besides my being humbled-that I did not get the position. While the co-worker that did has done a phenomenal job at it.

We may not always feel it or see it but God is so good, so loving. And this one little part of Jesus’ story in the Gospels shows how beautiful He is. More often than not He approaches those we often would avoid. This story is no different. He had a conversation with a woman that everyone else shunned and gossiped about. A woman with a history. She was in a pit. A dark place that seemed like there was no real way out. And then He came along, offfering ‘living water’.

As I read this piece of scripture something popped out at me. “The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” It made me realize that is often what the change we may experience. As we truly give our lives to Christ, He begins a work in us. Changing us day by day. It made me think about being filled within with His Spirit…it bubbling over, overflowing within us. HE gives us a new life. We may experience troubles here but we have Hope through Him.

In the last class of ‘Life Explored’ last night one of the things stated was that we have the awesome blessing of eternity with God as believers. That Heaven is the home, relationship and love that we so long for here. As much as we love those around us-our spouses, our kids, etc-those relationships will never be perfect. We do have that perfect relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Eternity with them is going to be a blast!

I hope and pray that you feel how much God truly loves you.

Lots of Love and in Jesus’ precious name.


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